Nikolai Yakovenko: the Singularity is not here
On this episode of Unsupervised Learning, Razib catches up with Nikolai Yakovenko about the state of AI at the end of 2024. Yakovenko is a former professional poker player,and research scientist at Google, Twitter and Nvidia. With a decade…
Khanversation #25: Biden era, the vibe shift (again) and grooming gangs
Khanversation episode twenty-five
Yascha Mounk: American democracy in 2024
On this episode of Unsupervised Learning, Razib talks to Yasha Mounk. The founder of Persuasion, a contributor to The Atlantic and a professor at Johns Hopkins, Mounk now has his own Substack, where he hosts his weekly column and podcast. He is…
Conn Carroll: Sex and the Citizen
How the Assault on Marriage Is Destroying Democracy
Anatoly Karlin: Russian nationalism to American globalism
Today Razib talks to Russian commentator and transhumanist Anatoly Karlin. Karlin has a BA in political economy from U C Berkeley. For most of the 21st century he had positioned himself as part of the right wing of the transhumanist movement. H…
The Horse: Man’s Most Useful Companion
During the Ice Age our ancestors often painted the horse in caves On this week’s episode of Unsupervised Learning Razib covers the archaeology, genetics and history of the horse. Dogs may be man’s best friend, but for thousands of years hor…
Khanveration #24: H1-B’s, American Nationalism, Heritage Americans and the uniqueness of Western Civilization
Episode twenty-four of the Khanversation
Antonio Regalado: CRISPR babies 6 years later
Whatever happened to He Jiankui?
Wilfred Reilly: confronting historical myths propagated in schools
On this episode of Unsupervised Learning Razib talks to returning guest Wilfred Reilly about his new book, Lies My Liberal Teacher Told Me: Debunking the False Narratives Defining America’s School Curricula. Reilly holds a Ph.D. in politic…
RKUL: Time Well Spent 1/1/2025
2025 Early Bird sale and New Year’s Day Edition
The other man: Neanderthal findings test our power of imagination
Counting down 2024’s three biggest ancient DNA findings: number 2
We were selected: tracing what humans were made for
Counting down 2024’s three biggest ancient DNA findings: number 3
Leighton Woodhouse: chaos and corruption in urban America
On this episode of Unsupervised Learning Razib welcomes Leighton Akira Woodhouse back to the podcast. Woodhouse is a freelance journalist and a documentary filmmaker, currently based in Oakland, California. He grew up in Berkeley, and was a doctor…
Khanveration #23: Natalism and Natal (conference), immigration policy and discrimination against white people
Khanversation episode twenty-three
Lyman Stone: a demographer against the birth dearth
On this episode of Unsupervised Learning Razib talks to Lyman Stone, a soon to be PhD in sociology from McGill University specializing in population dynamics. Stone runs the Pro-natalism Initiative at the Institute for Family Studies, and has h…
Dan Hess: the fertility collapse
The man behind the “More Births” twitter account
Peachy Keenan: cosmopolitan radical traditionalist
On this episode of Unsupervised Learning Razib talks to the pseudonymous commentator “Peachy Keenan.” A native of Los Angeles with an Ivy League education, Keenan worked in entertainment before detouring into punditry, writing for the Claremont…
John Hawks: 2024 in Neanderthals, Denisovans and Hobbits
Reviewing the last two years in paleoanthropology
Science giveth and science taketh away
Reading the evolutionary book of life in 2025