Razib Khan’s Content Aggregation Site
Vivek Ramaswamy and the rise of Indian America
The millennial Republican is perfectly suited to the ruling class
Katherine Dee: Is Twitter just our default?
Listen now (68 mins) | The many-headed hydra of “internet culture”
Katherine Dee: Is Twitter just our default?
Listen now (68 mins) | The many-headed hydra of “internet culture”
Nicola Buskirk: old books for a new generation
https://razib.substack.com This is where you will find all the podcasts from Razib Khan’s Substack and original video content. On this episode of Unsupervised Learning Razib talks to Nicola Buskirk of Elessar Books (see her Substack). A 2022 graduate o…
Hannah Frankman: unlearning the lessons of the past
https://razib.substack.com This is where you will find all the podcasts from Razib Khan’s Substack and original video content. On this week’s episode of Unsupervised Learning Razib talks to Hannah Frankman about the past, present and future of educatio…
Lyman Stone: God is dead, long live the Lord!
https://razib.substack.com This is where you will find all the podcasts from Razib Khan’s Substack and original video content. Today Razib talks to Lyman Stone, a demographer and Ph.D. candidate at McGill University, about the fall, rise and fall of re…
Lyman Stone: God is dead, long live the Lord!
https://razib.substack.com This is where you will find all the podcasts from Razib Khan’s Substack and original video content. Today Razib talks to Lyman Stone, a demographer and Ph.D. candidate at McGill University, about the fall, rise and fall of re…
Female labor force participation in India
A quite repetitive piece in The Wall Street Journal, What’s Holding Back India’s Economic Ambitions? Just 24% of women in India are working or looking for work. In the American upper-middle-class women not working is a sign of affluence a conscious choice to focus on investing in child-rearing rather than consumption. But this section jumped…
Inez Stepman: fixing higher education
Listen now (70 mins) | The making of a Silicon Valley anti-feminist
People in Brazil are quite “mixed-race”
Probably the most famous Brazil American is Gisele Bündchen, erstwhile supermodel and ex-wife of Tom Brady. Bündchen is a German Brazilian, and all the media I see say she is […]
Open Thread – 08/11/2023 – Brown Pundits
Most of India is below replacement TFR.
Cory Clark: adversarial collaborations in science
Listen now (64 mins) | Where is the culture of science going in the future?
RKUL: Time Well Spent 08/08/2023
poolside edition
Bantu über alles: three millennia of unstoppable African farmers repeopling the vast continent
Humanity’s last great agricultural revolution
IBW Episode #2: Muslims vs. LGBTQIA+
https://razib.substack.com This is where you will find all the podcasts from Razib Khan’s Substack and original video content. On this episode of Unsupervised Learning Razib hosts three guests, Sarah Haider of A Special Place in Hell (and her own Subs…
Samuel McIlhagga: the UK as a zombie nation
https://razib.substack.com This is where you will find all the podcasts from Razib Khan’s Substack and original video content. In the fall of 2022 Liz Truss was the UK’s Prime Minister for 44 days. Her tenure was cut short by turmoil in the financia…
Alex S. Young and James J. Lee: quantitative genetics in 2023
Listen now (126 min) | Two statistical geneticists discuss how genomics is making complex traits simpler
Computational linguistic phylogenetics and Indo-Europeans
A new paper, Language trees with sampled ancestors support a hybrid model for the origin of Indo-European languages, has made a splash by inferring a far older date of diversification […]
Diana Fleischman: evolution, sex and eugenics
Listen now (54 min) | Is the 21st century the next age of eugenics?
Diana Fleischman: evolution, sex and eugenics
Listen now (54 min) | Is the 21st century the next age of eugenics?