Razib Khan’s Content Aggregation Site
Rishi Sunak is no son of India
The elite diaspora have globalisation etched into their bones
Rishi Sunak is no son of India
Has the Raj returned to roost? After the press captured Rishi Sunak offering a prayer inside New Delhi’s Akshardham temple on Sunday, that was the implication for many. A Hindu man leads Britain; to the north, the First Minister of Scotland, Humza Yousaf, is a Muslim man of Pakistani origin, another scion of British India;…
Rishi Sunak is no son of India
Has the Raj returned to roost? After the press captured Rishi Sunak offering a prayer inside New Delhi’s Akshardham temple on Sunday, that was the implication for many. A Hindu man leads Britain; to the north, the First Minister of Scotland, Humza Yousaf, is a Muslim man of Pakistani origin, another scion of British India;…
Rishi Sunak is no son of India
The elite diaspora have globalisation etched into their bones
Inez Stepman: fixing higher education
https://razib.substack.com This is where you will find all the podcasts from Razib Khan’s Substack and original video content. Today Razib talks to Inez Stepman, a senior policy analyst at the Independent Women’s Forum, a Lincoln Fellow with the Clarem…
Cory Clark: adversarial collaborations in science
https://razib.substack.com This is where you will find all the podcasts from Razib Khan’s Substack and original video content. On this episode of Unsupervised Learning Razib talks to Dr. Cory J. Clark, a behavioral scientist and executive director of t…
Open Thread – 09/10/2023 – Brown Pundits
I am planning on doing a podcast on caste this week for my Substack this week. (here are my posts on the topic)
RKUL: Time Well Spent 09/09/2023
Back-to-school edition
David Anthony: when we were Yamnaya
Listen now (81 mins) | Indo-European origins in 2023
The creation of Homo General Category
This Politic piece on caste in America is pretty balanced. But one thing that this “Indian Americans are so casteist” discourse misses is that 85% of Indian American Hindus are “General Category”, with a few percent being Dalits or Scheduled Tribes (the remainder are OBC). There aren’t many low caste people to discriminate against, but…
Fear of a Bihari nation
I’ve fascinated by regions that border each other and have very different fertilities. For example, Saudi Arabia has a TFR of 2.2 and Yemen one of 4. Today it looks like Bihar has a fertility of around 3.0 and West Bengal 1.6. Bihar surpassed West Bengal in the late 1990’s, and is still more populous…
Is track and field more popular in South India?
interestingly (or not?) these guys are from kerala, while the other guy is from tamil nadu. is track and field stuff just more popular in south india? https://t.co/KwRTTpQvLv — Razib 🥥 Khan 🧬 📘✍️📱 (@razibkhan) September 3, 2023
Is track and field more popular in South India?
interestingly (or not?) these guys are from kerala, while the other guy is from tamil nadu. is track and field stuff just more popular in south india? https://t.co/KwRTTpQvLv — Razib 🥥 Khan 🧬 📘✍️📱 (@razibkhan) September 3, 2023
Alex S. Young and James J. Lee: quantitative genetics in 2023
On this episode of Unsupervised Learning Razib talks with Alex Young of UCLA and James Lee of the University of Minnesota about quantitative genetics and its relationship to complex traits and the genomic revolution. Young, trained as a mathematician, …
Sri Lanka Genetics
Reconstructing the population history of Sinhalese, the major ethnic group in Śrī Laṅkā: Interestingly, we found an unexpected excess of smaller chunks sharing between Marāṭhā and Sinhala (>16%) than the Marāṭhā and STU, thus supporting the linguistic hypothesis of Geiger, Turner and van Driem. To confirm the excess sharing, we looked for the population which…
Erik Hoel: The World Behind the World
Listen now (82 mins) | Consciousness at the heart of neuroscience
Diana Fleischman: evolution, sex and eugenics
On this episode of Unsupervised Learning Razib talks to Aporia Magazine’s Diana Fleischman, an evolutionary psychologist who earned her Ph.D. in David Buss’ lab at the University of Texas in Austin. Fleischman discusses the origins of her field, its me…
Vivek Ramaswamy and the rise of Indian America
The millennial Republican is perfectly suited to the ruling class
Vivek Ramaswamy and the rise of Indian America
Crammed together on a crowded stage during the first Republican debate of 2023, two figures stood out: 38-year-old Vivek Ganapathy Ramaswamy, a biotech millionaire with a Harvard pedigree, and 51-year-old Nimrata Haley (née Randhawa), an accountant, former governor of South Carolina and ambassador to the United Nations. Like 58-year-old Kamala Devi Harris, America’s Vice President,…
Vivek Ramaswamy and the rise of Indian America
Crammed together on a crowded stage during the first Republican debate of 2023, two figures stood out: 38-year-old Vivek Ganapathy Ramaswamy, a biotech millionaire with a Harvard pedigree, and 51-year-old Nimrata Haley (née Randhawa), an accountant, former governor of South Carolina and ambassador to the United Nations. Like 58-year-old Kamala Devi Harris, America’s Vice President,…