Gendered perceptions of parental identity
At the super market my wife pointed out an article in the parenting section which she stumbled upon while waiting for me to finish at the checkout line, Is She Yours? In a stray moment I decided to see if … Continue reading →
Sometimes men like women like the Chinese like pork
Why Do They Hate Us?, is a powerful and moving jeremiad by Mona Eltahawy. It accurately describes without dispute the sorry state of female flourishing in the Middle East, broadly understood. And yet I wonder at the quasi-Freudian rationale on offer, that these men “hate” women. A rationale of this sort seems more derived from the worries […]
Brown and the “woman thing”
India fourth most dangerous place for women: survey: Afghanistan is the most dangerous place for women followed by Democratic Republic of Congo, Pakistan, India and Somalia in the survey conducted by Thomson Reuters’ Trustlaw Women, a hub of legal information and legal support for women’s rights. Proposition: BIMARU is no different from Pakistan. South and […]
Now that’s how it’s done!
Woman takes attacker’s penis to cop: A 40-year-old Bangladeshi woman cut off a man’s penis during an alleged attempted rape and took it to a police station as evidence, police in a remote part of Bangladesh said on Monday. The woman, a married mother of three, was attacked while she was sleeping in her shanty […]