Category Archives: Science & Tech

Muthukrishna’s new book presents a fundamentally optimistic narrative, brimming with ideas and concepts.

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A review of The Scout Mindset: Why Some People See Things Clearly and Others Don’t by Julia Galef. Portfolio, 288 pages (April, 2021)

Julia Galef’s The Scout Mindset: Why Some People See Things Clearly and Others Don’t is a brisk introduction to a particular

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Man and dog share a long history. In much of the world, a history as old as humanity. The latest genetic evidence now tells us that the emergence of the domestic dog lineage occurred soon after the human expansion out of Africa 50,000 years ago, in the depths of

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Man and dog share a long history. In much of the world, a history as old as humanity. The latest genetic evidence now tells us that the emergence of the domestic dog lineage occurred soon after the human expansion out of Africa 50,000 years ago, in the depths of the last Ice Age. We came. We saw. And we befriended. This we knew, but now we can closely examine how. A paper out today in Science uses 27 ancient dog genomes from the past 11,000 years to construct an evolutionary history nearly as rich as that produced by human population geneticists over the last decade. The authors found five lineages of ancient dogs that were present at the end of the last Ice Age. These were the dogs that interacted with human migrations during the rise of agriculture and the fall of civilizations to produce the riotous dog diversity that we know today. Familiar breeds like the Pekingese and the St. Bernard, as well as stray Asian village mutts, they’re all the products of a …

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Genetic testing will soon be cheap, routine, and ubiquitous.

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It is a crowning achievement of Western civilization and a rejoinder to the modern myths of the Left.

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Wilson argues cogently that humanity, both in its biology and its culture, is a product of evolution.

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There is more in heaven and earth than can be dreamt of in any human philosophy. This is why science is not philosophy. Those who map the skies, observe the…View Post

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A new book traces the history and science of a concept that resonates deeply.

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Reality, it turns out, is more complex and interesting than scientists ever imagined.

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Razib Khan