Religion trumps race in Sri Lanka
Monk-led mob attacks Rohingya refugees in Sri Lanka: “These are Rohingya terrorists who killed Buddhist monks in Myanmar,” the monk said in his live commentary on Facebook, pointing to Rohingya mothers with small children in their arms. Sri Lanka’s extremist Buddhist monks have close links with their ultra-nationalist counterparts in Myanmar. Both have been accused … Continue reading “Religion trumps race in Sri Lanka”
Burma can thank the British for its current mess
The Rohingya have been living in today’s Myanmar for 900 years. Under a 1982 act, they were made stateless and given foreign identity cards. — Timur Kuran (@timurkuran) September 6, 2017 Since my last post on the Rohingya I’ve kept reading up on the topic, mostly in relation to their origins. Google scholar has […]
On the Rohingya issue
I have a post over at my primary blog, Rohingya Unmasking Complexity In A World We Want Simple. Because the Rohingya issue is going to be in the media spotlight for a bit in the near future we need to be clear about the deep historical facts, which frankly the press is going to not … Continue reading “On the Rohingya issue”
Rohingya unmasking complexity in a world we want simple
There is currently a major humanitarian crisis in Burma as Rohingya Muslims flee conflict between the military and separatist militants. Obviously this is a developing story. Unfortunately, very few in the West and the media have a well developed understanding of the history of Burma. Therefore the easiest framework is something worthy of a DC […]
Bengali Muslims are new (?)
A quick follow up to Zack’s post on Rohingya. On the demographics, if you believe the claims of Muslims and Christians in Burma, they are the majority of the population, not the Theravada Buddhists. This means ethnic Burmans are a minority, as are the combination of Burmans, Mons, and Shans, three ethnic groups that are […]