A blueprint in our genes for behavior?
Since the emergence of the field of genetics over a century ago the question of “nature vs. nurture” has loomed large over the field when it comes to the nature of “human nature.” The very term “human nature” is a tell as to its origins and early conno…
Personality and genes
There’s a variable in the GSS, GENEEXPS, which asks if genes play a role in personality. The options are: – It’s genes which play a major role – It’s experience which determines personality First, let’s admit that the premise is stupid. Personality is heritable, but environmental variation also seems to matter. In other words it […]
How the “fierce people” came to be
The pith: there are differences between populations on genes which result in “novelty seeking.” These differences can be traced to migration out of Africa, and can’t be explained as an artifact of random genetic drift.
I’m not …