Subscribe to Nature for 1 year for $36?
I saw this on twitter and though I would pass it on. A 1 year subscription to Nature print + online for $36. I have a lot of ambivalence about the way that some scientific publishers comport themselves, but this seems like a good deal, and I know many …
“Genome blogging”
Nature profiles Dodecad, the Pickrell Affair, and the emergence of amateur genomicists in a new piece. Interestingly David of BGA is going to try and get something through peer review. In particular, the relationship of Assyrians and Jews. So we have Genomes Unzipped, Dodecad, and BGA. What next? Who next? I hope Dienekes doesn’t mind if […]
Animal Apartheid
Here’s an article from Canada on the debate about whether hybridization should be discouraged. I understand the impulse toward preserving nature as it is, but the drive for presumed purity seems almost fetishistic. Consider this sentence: ” Or could hybrids actually weaken genetically pure populations of disappearing wildlife?” What does “genetically pure” mean in a […]