The rise of “orthodox” Sunni Islam in Indonesia is inevitable
Curfews, Obligatory Prayers, Whippings: Hard-Line Islam Emerges in Indonesia: In the Indonesian market town of Cianjur, new rules require government workers to clock in with their thumb prints at a downtown mosque to confirm attendance at morning prayers. That’s on the order of district chief Irvan Rivano Muchtar, who also wants a 10 p.m. curfew […]
To the antipode of Asia
Markers show populations sampled by HUGO Pan-Asian SNP Consortium
The Pith: Southeast Asia was settled by a series of distinct peoples. The pattern of settlement can be discerned in part by examination of patterns of genetic variation. It seems like…
Egypt vs. Indonesia in attitudes
TNR has a post up, Egypt and Indonesia. In it, the author argues that:
At times of unexpected but momentous political change in distant countries, we grasp onto political analogies to help get our bearings. Even if we know they are imperfect, we can’…