Why the West lost India’s culture wars
Rising Hindu nationalism has outflanked the global Left
Why the West lost India’s culture wars
Rising Hindu nationalism has outflanked the global Left
Saffron on the outside, woke on the inside
Every few weeks or so I “get into it” with parts of Hindutva Twitter. Some parts of Hindutva Twitter I’m quite friendly with. Other parts, not so much. There is the weird incel-like “Trad Twitter” faction…that always ends up to be strange perverts. But I don’t want to focus on them. Rather, I want to …
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Reducing Hindu nationalism to the Enemy
Politico has a silly piece up, How Hindu Nationalism Could Shape the Election. The silliness is in the title: Hindu nationalism will not shape the election. No one in the USA knows what it is. No one in the USA cares. But headlines need to justify the “deep-dives.” The author clearly had a preconceived conclusion, …