Category Archives: Health & Medicine

It looks like the USA has gone through “wave 3”. But one thing masked in the aggregate data is regional variation. Whereas major hotspots like California peaked in January, the […]

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When does COVID-19 get more dangerous than the flu? The CDC has some deaths listed for COVID-19. It also has deaths recorded for influenza. These are not perfect records, but, they give us a general comparative sense. The total count in their data for the column I’ve plotting is about half of or so of […]

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There has been a fair amount of anecdotal and a bit of statistical evidence that obesity is somehow associated with individuals who have worse progression of COVID-19. The data out of China I saw wasn’t significant statistically speaking. The problem? There didn’t seem to be enough obese people in their samples. Then anecdotes and some […]

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A friend of mine recently quipped that everyone seems to act like probability can be assigned two values 0 or 1. The same sort of logic seems to apply when it comes to talking about the environmental parameters which might affect the progress of COVID-19, such as temperature, humidity, and density. Many people seem to […]

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We’ve been talking about Coronavirus in our house pretty constantly since early February. I’ve come out into the open and admitted my family is doing self-quarantine to reduce spread (we don’t think we’re sick, but we don’t want to spread it by getting sick). I haven’t been very hopeful in a month due to what […]

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Razib Khan