Do genes determine intelligence?
Both conservatives and liberals are ignoring the realities of biology
Do genes determine intelligence?
Both conservatives and liberals are ignoring the realities of biology
Personality and genes
There’s a variable in the GSS, GENEEXPS, which asks if genes play a role in personality. The options are: – It’s genes which play a major role – It’s experience which determines personality First, let’s admit that the premise is stupid. Personality is heritable, but environmental variation also seems to matter. In other words it […]
Why Some Like It Hot: Food, Genes, and Cultural Diversity
Link to review: Slow and diverse food.
Friends & genes & heritability
A few people have inquired of the PNAS paper On sharing genes with friends. I avoided comment in part because I’m skeptical of the findings. So much behavior genomics just hasn’t panned out over the long term, and is probably susceptible t…
The magical power of “genes”
Liberal Überblogger Matthew Yglesias, Pulling Back The Curtain on Human Behavior:
People sometimes seem to think that you could forestall a Gattaca-esque scenario of genetic transparency through privacy laws. But it seems to me that you’d actually need to go stronger, and not only guarantee the right to not have your genetic information disclosed. To prevent […]