Most people say they think nurture is more important than nature, especially white Americans
It’s very hard to know what Americans think about nature vs. nurture, but I heavily suspect that many or most casually believe that nature is all-important. — Noah Smith (@Noahpinion) December 12, 2017 There was a discussion on Twitter about the belief in nature vs. nurture among the American populace. The General Social Survey […]
Most people say they think nurture is more important than nature, especially white Americans
It’s very hard to know what Americans think about nature vs. nurture, but I heavily suspect that many or most casually believe that nature is all-important. — Noah Smith (@Noahpinion) December 12, 2017 There was a discussion on Twitter about the belief in nature vs. nurture among the American populace. The General Social Survey […]
20% of white non-Hispanic liberals are “pro-life”(ish)
Vox has a piece up, Democrats should start accepting pro-life liberals like me. It has this section: I am the only Christian on a great many of my friends’ Facebook feeds, and I am also the only Democrat on a great many other Facebook feeds. What I see is a need to stop taunting pro-life […]
Right science
About a month back a researcher at Yale published survey results which showed that Tea Party members exhibited more science knowledge than the general public, somewhat to his chagrin. I wasn’t particularly surprised, because the knowledge of science as it relates to political ideology is somewhat complex. Often the right-leaning get lower marks because of […]
The post Right science appeared first on Gene Expression.
Right science
About a month back a researcher at Yale published survey results which showed that Tea Party members exhibited more science knowledge than the general public, somewhat to his chagrin. I wasn’t particularly surprised, because the knowledge of science as it relates to political ideology is somewhat complex. Often the right-leaning get lower marks because of […]
The post Right science appeared first on Gene Expression.
Liberals vs. conservatives, smart vs. dull
One of the things I’m interested in is the perception by some that self-identified conservatives can mobilize better as a collective unit on the American political scene. To test that proposition I often poke around the General Social Survey. For example, it seems to be a common assumption among many liberals that women tend to […]
How to use the General Social Survey
I few years ago I complained that no one was using the General Social Survey web interface for blogging, a practice which probably can be traced back to the Inductivist (yes, social scientists use the GSS constantly, but they use it to publish papers,…
The slow decline of trust over time
Yesterday I made an admission of my lack of trust after the 2008 financial crisis. I should have been more precise and clarified that my collapse in trust has been particularly aimed at elites and “experts.” In any case, I realized that the…
Moderates are dull, liberals are smarter, conservatives are middling
Long time reader Ian comments:
A comparison with “the American public” isn’t really appropriate – to even be in the pool where you’re thinking about an academic career, you need to have a college degree. And that population if memory serves, …
Using the General Social Survey
I’ve mentioned this before, but I thought it would be useful to repeat again. Many of my social science related posts use Berkeley’s web interface with the General Social Survey. Regularly people ask me in the comments details as to the variables, or a more explicit elaboration of the methods. First, this is a weblog, […]