Category Archives: Friday Fluff

1) First, a post from the past: Pentecostals are stupid? Unitarians are smart?.

2) Weird search query of the week: “aki kaurismaki”
3) Comment of the week, in response to “Fixing science, in part”:
In one of Ben Goldacre’s …

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1) First, a post from the past: 10 questions for Judith Rich Harris.

2) Weird search query of the week (#5 keyword!): “dutch best language”
3) Comment of the week, in response to “One root for rice”:
Timely paper! Rice agricu…

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1) First, a post from the past: Taste & behavior genetics.

2) Weird search query of the week (#5 keyword!): “china provinces”
3) Comment of the week, in response to “What is best in life?”:
You do know that Red Sonja is …

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1) First, a post from the past:

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1) First, a post from the past: Let’s talk about sex…ratios (evolution that is).

2) Weird search query of the week: “clinical flirtation consumer reality”
3) Comment of the week, in response to

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1) First, a post from the past: Lydians & Etruscans.

2) Weird search query of the week: “girls from which country are the most attractive?+iran”
3) Comment of the week, in response to “Who thinks the sun goes around the earth?&…

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1) First, a post from the past: 10 questions for Jim Crow. Arguably the doyen of modern population geneticists. Take a look at who he’s had as graduate students or post-docs, and there’s a high probability there is someone you know of, you…

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1) First, a post from the past: Evolution: What the Fossils Say and Why It Matters.

2) Weird search query of the week: “cheap pretty tutus.”
3) Comment of the week, in response to “Think Twins”:
An interesting point. No one ca…

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Due to a “busy” cat-schedule, the regular Friday posting was delayed for one day. If you have a problem with it, the individual with whom you can take it up is indefinitely taking a nap. So good luck with that!
1) First, a post from the pa…

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1) First, a post from the past: Evolution: What the Fossils Say and Why It Matters.

2) Weird search query of the week: “are you allowed to drink alcohol in class.”
3) Comment of the week, in response to “Are we still evolving”…

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1) First, a post from the past: “Black” & white twins again.

2) Weird search query of the week: “buff chimpanzee.”
3) Comment of the week, in response to The evolution of man is no cartoon:
I think the confounding notion here is …

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1) First, a post from the past: A History of Iran: Empire of the Mind.
2) Weird search query of the week: “pictures of a famous woman drinking alcohol.”
3) Comment of the week, in response to D.I.Y. population structure inference, part 1…

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1) First, a post from the past: Neandertal & humans – introgression.
2) Weird search query of the week: “non-coding rnas and dragons.”
3) Comment of the week, in response to Why siblings differ differently:
The people who criticize…

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1) First, a post from the past: Theological incorrectness – when people behave how they shouldn’t….sort of .
2) Weird search query of the week: “khoikhoi woman in porn.” I had a suspicion I knew who entered this search …

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1) First, a post from the past: More complex than simple addition. 2) Weird search query of the week: “kiera knightly naked truth”. 3) Comment of the week, in response to The genetic affinities of Ethiopians: First of all, you should know that Behar’s Oromos were sampled in areas neighboring the Kenyan border, while Ethiopian […]

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1. First, a post from the past: The ancient origins of African pygmies. 2. Weird search query of the week: “method man wife”. 3.Comment of the week, in response to The empires of American English: I live in the Galesburg, Illinois area and here there still is a noticible boundary, that runs just north of […]

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1. First, a post from the past: Golden ideas. 2. Weird search query of the week: “young girls gone mature”. 3.Comment of the week, in response to Slouching toward idiocracy: JWM and Dave Both hit on key concepts here. Its not just cats, cattle and humans, in fact the relative brain size of almost all […]

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1. First, a post from the past: Lions, and tigers, and snow leopards! Oh, my!. 2. Weird search query of the week: “Lions, and tigers, and snow leopards! Oh, my!”. 3.Comment of the week, in response to Heritability and genes as causes: I knew some people thought I had over-reacted to the initial item/press release. […]

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1. First, a post from the past:
Grooming => Language ~ Larger Social Groups.
2. Weird search query of the week: “scottish hair”.
3.Comment of the week, in response to

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1. First, a post from the past: Natural selection of a human gene: FUT2.
2. Weird search query of the week: “cognitive miser”.
3.Comment of the week, in response to The history of us all:
1. I take it you think Angus Maddison’s Contours of the World Economy 1-2030 AD is too technical for […]

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Razib Khan