The derived SNP that causes dry earwax was not found in all non-Africans
A new paper on Chinese genomics using hundreds of thousands of low-coverage data from NIPT screenings is making some waves. I’ll probably talk about the paper at some point. But I want to highlight the frequency of rs17822931 in Han Chinese. It’s pretty incredible how high it is. Because the derived variant SNP, which is […]
Why the Chinese don’t buy deodorant
In human populations a SNP in ABCC11 is correlated with two salient traits: 1) wet or dry earwax 2) body odor. When I had my first son sequenced before his birth the main variant of phenotypic consequence that I noticed (aside from him being a heterozygote on KITLG), was that he carried a derived […]
Body odor, Asians, and earwax
When I was in college I would sometimes have late night conversations with the guys in my dorm, and the discussion would random-walk in very strange directions. During one of these quasi-salons a friend whose parents were from Korea expressed some surprise and disgust at the idea of wet earwax. It turns out he had […]