To catch a predator: familial DNA
I already blogged this general issue, but the ‘grim sleeper’ murderer was caught because of a match of old samples with those of us his son. If I had to bet money I think this sort of result (California and Colorado are the two American states which have a system in place to allow for […]
Crime way down. Who exactly knows stuff?
Despite recession, crime keeps falling:In times of recession, property crimes, in particular, are expected to rise.They haven’t.Overall, property crimes fell by 6.1 percent, and violent crimes by 4.4 percent, according to the six-month data collected b…
There is no society, just homicidal individuals
There’s a new book out, American Homicide, which has some interesting arguments:He concluded that people’s views about the legitimacy of government and how much they identify with their fellow citizens play a major role in how often they kill each othe…