Tibeto-Burman admixture into Bengalis
Doing some reading about the Tibetans for a post for my Substack, and I decide to look around and find some Tibetan genotypes. I went back to a question that has come up before, who contributed the East Asian ancestry into Bengalis? Austro-Asiatics or…
Most of the “East Asian” in East Bengalis is not from the Munda
I did some more data analysis. Added Tibetans, etc. Since some readers have more opinions than I do I’ll leave commentary up to them. Two notes 1) The “Northeast Indian” group includes populations like Mizos (I know that from the ID codes). They seem different from Nagas, who are more Tibetan 2) No idea why …
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Most of the “East Asian” in East Bengalis is not from the Munda
I did some more data analysis. Added Tibetans, etc. Since some readers have more opinions than I do I’ll leave commentary up to them. Two notes 1) The “Northeast Indian” group includes populations like Mizos (I know that from the ID codes). They seem different from Nagas, who are more Tibetan 2) No idea why …
Continue reading “Most of the “East Asian” in East Bengalis is not from the Munda”
The Tibeto-Burman and Austro-Asiatic ancestry of Bengalis
When I first got my father’s 23andMe results the Y and mtDNA were an interesting contrast. He, and therefore myself, carried Y lineage R1a1a, the lord of the paternal lineages. That was not that great a surprise. In the 1000 Genomes results for the Bangladeshi sample 20% of the men were direct paternal descendants of […]
“Asian” in all the right places
mtDNA haplogroup G1a2
The pith: In this post I examine the most recent results from 23andMe for my family in the context of familial and regional (Bengal) history. I also use these results to offer up a framework for the ethnognesis of the eastern Ben…