The Insight Show Notes — Season 2, Episode 30: Evolution of Family
The Insight Show Notes — Season 2, Episode 30: Evolution of FamilyThis week on The Insight (Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher and Google Podcasts) Razib talks to Dr. Rebecca Sear, a behavioral ecologist at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medi…
The Imitation Factor: Evolution Beyond The Gene
Link to review: The wisdom of Seinfeld.
Kissing & the science of humanity
I approached Sheril Kirshenbaum’s The Science of Kissing: What Our Lips Are Telling Us with some trepidation and excitement. The former is a consequence of my hypochondria and its associated germophobia. I have no aversion to kissing in my own life (apologies for divulging personal information), but I did have some worries about having to […]
The magical power of “genes”
Liberal Überblogger Matthew Yglesias, Pulling Back The Curtain on Human Behavior:
People sometimes seem to think that you could forestall a Gattaca-esque scenario of genetic transparency through privacy laws. But it seems to me that you’d actually need to go stronger, and not only guarantee the right to not have your genetic information disclosed. To prevent […]
Monkeys are more complicated than you’d think
Generous Leaders and Selfish Underdogs: Pro-Sociality in Despotic Macaques:
Actively granting food to a companion is called pro-social behavior and is considered to be part of altruism. Recent findings show that some non-human primates behave pro-socially. However, pro-social behavior is not expected in despotic species, since the steep dominance hierarchy will hamper pro-sociality. We show that […]