Category Archives: Barbarism

The title at The New York Times is anodyne, India’s Courts Grapple With Web Censorship. But the story stinks up the page/screen with manifest evidence that the Indian government and mass culture is not equipped to deal with the wide open liberty which the internet provides: India has long faced an uneasy tension between allowing […]

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As a matter of fact I think both blasphemy laws and multiculturalism are moronic. But together they make a dynamic moron duo which leads to nothing but social stagnation. One can’t easily characterize the “hurt feelings” of primitive morons, and when you have around 1 billion of them it’s impossible (the vast majority of Indians […]

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I’m more a connoisseur of the trailers of summer films than a viewer of them. But I notice that a new Conan film is coming out, after years of delays which I was blissfully ignorant of. But honestly this is not a franchise I’d have thought…

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Razib Khan