arXiv! arXiv! arXiv!
Over the Nielsen Group blog, Time to jump into the arXiv?:
There is one other drawback to the arXiv that makes me, as a potential submitter, very nervous: being scooped.
A paper is “scooped” if someone else publishes the same (or very similar) conc…
Biology discovers arXiv (sort of)
Last year when Dr. Joseph Pickrell posted Why publish science in peer-reviewed journals? at Genomes Unzipped many of the responses naturally turned to criticism of such a system which overturned the conventions of publication in biology. The critiques …
Where is the ArXiv for X?
Derek Lowe asks “Why Isn’t There an ArXiv For Chemistry?” Where indeed. A few years ago I went to a talk given by Michael Eisen and asked him about why the biological sciences didn’t have an ArXiv, and one of his explanations wa…