In response to the post below on joint families. First, a personal question: is it my cultural bias that joint families are fertile incubators of sexual abuse of young females by male relatives? Mind you, there are disgusting as fuck fathers who rape their daughters, but it seems that within the nuclear family the probability of intra-familial sexual abuse is minimized. I don’t have much personal experience with joint families, but when I dig beneath the vibrant and traditional surface there seems to be an undercurrent of perverted uncles and lecherous cousins.
Second, joint families are conditional on particular demographic structural priors. In a world where average sibling cohorts are 3 or lower, many people won’t have siblings with whom they can live. The “circle of cousins” scenario is going to be less common.
Addendum: I am not one who encourages laissez faire in the comments. If you expose me to idiocy I will ban, even if you have posting privileges on this weblog.