When religious particularism turns people into morons

When religious particularism turns people into morons

Via a referral I stumbled upon this really bizarre post by science fiction author and Catholic convert John C. Wright, Saint James Matamoros, Lead Us in Crusade!:

The effort has been so successful that it is the default assumption of the modern day that Christianity opposes freedom of religion (when indeed it is the only religion that insists upon it and always has) and opposes science and academic freedom (when indeed it is the only religion that invented and promoted the university system, and the only world view in which modern physics mades metaphysical sense).

John C. Wright is a smart man. Pray tell then, why does he think we’re fucking retards? Seriously, Christianity is the only religion that believes in freedom of religion, and has always insisted on freedom of religion? It’s people like John C. Wright who give succor to the multiculturalist morons, because they meet them in idiocy.

I actually agree with kernels of Westernophilia within Wright’s fecal mound of a jeremiad. The problem is that instead of standing up for what is right and true he degrades the cause by garbing it in lies and delusions. When you see people committing abominations against reality like this you do wonder as to the quality of their whole oeuvre.


Razib Khan