If you’re a regular reader, you may have noticed some changes. Since I moved to Discover blogs I’ve been posting less and less here. Additionally, I’ve been putting some of my shorter less science oriented stuff at Brown Pundits and Secular Right. And I suspect twitter has cannibalized some of the link aggregation function of blogging in general.
So where does this leave this website? The archives are obviously active and useful for many people. Even without any front page content this blog serves 1-2,000 pages per day just as a function of search engines sending traffic to old posts. That’s important. GNXP could turn into an archive site, as I always imagined it would at some point, and still play a vital role in the information ecology.
But I’m not ready to turn this into a hibernating site yet. Kevin and David are still posting obviously. And, because of the traffic and the old links that come to this domain GNXP has good PageRank. My main interest then is to promote science bloggers whose content should “get out there.” So I’ve been soliciting contributions from people now and then with the promise that cross-posting will boost the PageRank of their site and give them some publicity. If you have a weblog with content that I think would fit the front page of this weblog, and are interested in cross-posting, feel free to email me at contactgnxp -at- gmail.com with a link. I’ll add it to my RSS and see if it’s a good fit. If you seem a good candidate for front page privs, I’ll shoot you an email with the details about your login, etc.
Additionally, I’ve modified the column format some. At the top of the sidebar now are a set of articles which come from an aggregation site where I curated various weblog RSS feeds (as well as some google searches). And, there’s always my pinboard and Jason’s delicious. There’s also a footer column now where you can find archives, books, etc.
I’ll probably be tweaking with the format and what not every now and then. All things must change.
Speaking of using PageRank, the Harappa Ancestry Project now has its own domain, http://www.harappadna.org. If you’re South Asian, Iranian, Tibetan, or Burmese, please check it out.