Friday Fluff – October 1st, 2010

Friday Fluff – October 1st, 2010


1. First, a post from the past: Levels of selection & the full Price Equation

2. Weird search query of the week: “politcal correct cultures in science-fiction.” I direct you to Ursula K. Le Guin.

3. Comment of the week, in response to Mormons are average:

I am a Mormon convert with 11 children (11 is allot, even for a Mormon family). I joined the church at age 24 and am now 60. I have about 2 years of college (no degree) and have a good job at Hewlett Packard that I grew into.

It is expected that my kids will all have college degree’s (and so far, the adults all do). Among the younger generation in the Mormon culture it is normal to obtain at least a Bachelors degree. A person (especially a male) who does not go to college is not normal in the Mormon culture. It shows a lack of initiative and the more desirable, faithful Mormon girls may not consider this person as a desirable mate. The same is true for boys who do not go on missions. It shows a lack of initiative and faithfulness. In a Mormon lifestyle of high achievement and active church and community service, women do not want to be married to a sluggard for the rest of their lives.

Mormon youth grow up in an environment where most would not even consider skipping college.

4) 15% of you think that the sex bias of the blog’s readership is a problem, 75% do not, 10% don’t care.

Poll question….

5) And finally, your weekly fluff fix:


Razib Khan