1. First, a post from the past: Historical Dynamics and contingent conditions of religion
2. Weird search query of the week: “porn makes you straight.”
3. Comment of the week, in response to Swedes are not sexist or nativist:
I’ve been living in Sweden for somewhat more than a year now. I previously lived in Canada, the USA, and Germany. From those countries, the Swedes are at least in my impression the most backward thinking nation I’ve encountered. Nowhere else have I heard so often the replies “Because we’ve always done it like that.” or “That’s just how we do it in Sweden,” when I inquired about the reason for a particularly dumb procedure or policy. (An example: You won’t get a contract for a phone unless you’ve paid taxes for at least 7 months. WTF, I wonder, is that business of the phone company? And let me not get started about the rental situation in that country, but hey, they’ve always done it like that.) I always want to tell them, if we’d all be thinking that way, we’d still live in the stone age. But then, the Swedes are way too polite to tolerate my bickering.
4) Poll question….
(last week’s results were 30% accept peak oil, 40% reject it, and 30% don’t know)
5) And finally, your weekly fluff fix: