What should I blog about in the next two weeks?

What should I blog about in the next two weeks?

Any thoughts/suggestions? Only thing off limits would be anything too personal. I already asked on Twitter and got some responses so no need to be redundant unless you want to add to the weight of a preference.

Also, now that I finished Reformations* I’m finally reading Nick Bostrom’s Superintelligence front to back. But I have a lot of other Kindle books in the “stack”, and aside from those I’m going to tackle for personal/professional development (e.g., stuff on machine learning or Bayesian statistics) I have some latitude and am toying with listing books and giving readers some input in the arrangement/sequence.

* I’ll review the book at some point, but main quibble is that it was too heavy on ideas/theology, even though by the end the author admitted one should be cautious about focusing on this aspect.

Razib Khan