Tigons, ligers, leguars, and jagupards, oh my!

Tigons, ligers, leguars, and jagupards, oh my!

The recent publicity around the gorilla genome highlighted to me that eastern and western gorilla lineages seem to have diverged ~1 million years ago. In the process of trying to figure out hybridity I stumbled upon this matrix from Wikipedia on panthera hybrids:

Lion ♀ Tiger ♀ Jaguar ♀ Leopard ♀
Lion Mars symbol.svg Lion Liger Liguar Lipard
Tiger Mars symbol.svg Tigon Tiger Tiguar Tigard
Jaguar Mars symbol.svg Jaglion Jagger Jaguar Jagupard
Leopard Mars symbol.svg Leopon Dogla Leguar Leopard

The links will take you where you need to go. Unleash the 10 year old within!

Image credit: Wikipedia

Razib Khan