I was having a discussion with some friends who have all expressed interest in being genotyped or have been about putting their information into the public domain. They were a pretty savvy lot (half of the six had been genotyped), but one expressed the common sense objection that “someone could find something in the future.” In other words, a really creepy stalker could keep running your data through Promethease. Imagine you’re a really strange person, and you have a bunch of gentoypes of people who you want to know about, and you design a program which scours the academic literature and constantly notifies you when the individuals in your database pop up with a large effect mutation. I have no idea why someone would do this. Perhaps you could be blackmailed by someone threatening to disclose to your employer than you had a 50% greater chance of a heart attack before the age of 60 than the general population? Whatever the details of the concern, they’re general, ranging from inchoate to eloquent.
But all this is moot in my opinion. I think in 10 years most people will probably have at least a genotype with the most informative …