HAP K = 11 bar plots

HAP K = 11 bar plots

Two bar plots. The first has a bunch of populations and individuals, with a minimum threshold of S Asian + Onge = 25% from HAP K = 11. I tried to cluster by region/language. The second shows the ratio of SW Asian & European, again with the threshold of S Asian + Onge, and, a total SW Asian + European floor of 5%, to weed out too much noise. Please note that my mother is the Bengali with good balance between SW Asian and European, but I’m pretty sure this is due to relatively recent Middle Eastern admixture (within the last 150 years, confirmed by written records, as well as my own admixture runs which show weird small fractions of SW Asian and African elements uncommon in other S Asians I have). Remember ALL CAPS are for populations, which represent average results for a set of individuals of that group.


Razib Khan