Friday Fluff – January 21st, 2011

Friday Fluff – January 21st, 2011


1) First, a post from the past: Neandertal & H. sapiens sapiens interbreeding.

2) Weird search query of the week: “nicole kidman androgen insensitivity”. I thought she had a baby a few years ago? Say it ain’t so!

3) Comment of the week, in response to The Assyrians and Jews: 3,000 years of common history:

Dear Discover Magazine Editor,

I am writing to you to inform you that Razib Khan, the author of your Gene Expression Blog, has used ideas from my linearpopulation blog without citing my work.

His January 17th article “Assyrians and Jews: 3000 years of common history” is only one of the latest examples. In it, he and David Wesolowski, whom he cites, have used material from my articles, including:

Ashkenazi and Syrian Jews:

Eurogenes K10 Middle East Admixture Results:


Syria to Assyria: 3500 years of Demic Diffusion

In addition to lacking a citation for these articles, he has used material from numerous other articles on my blog without citation.

I trust that you will help Razib tighten up his attention to citation.
Should he fail to do this, I have sufficient evidence to proceed with this matter further.

Marnie Dunsmore
Author: linear population model blog

The …

Razib Khan