A relationship in attitudes toward Global Warming & evolution?

A relationship in attitudes toward Global Warming & evolution?

In my post earlier in the week I mentioned the possible relationship between attitudes toward evolution and the causes and likelihood of Global Warming. I haven’t seen any survey data myself relating the two, so naturally I wanted to poke into the General Social Survey. Two variables of interest showed up, both from 2006:

1) GWSCI, “Understanding of causes of Global Warming by environmental scientists.” A five-point scale, from understanding “Very well” (1) to “Not at all” (5).

2) SCIAGRGW, “Extent of agreement among environmental scientists.” A five-point scale, from “Near complete agreement” (1) to “No agreement at all” (5).

I paired these up against EVOLVED, which is a simple True vs. False answer in relation the question as to whether “Human beings developed from animals.”

Tables below.

Each row in the following set of tables adds up to 100%. In other words in the first row 55% of Democrats think that environmental scientists understand the cause of global warming “Very well.”

Environmental scientists understand cause of global warming
Very well

Not at all
1 2 3 4 5
Democrat 55 24 14 4 3
Independent 44 21 28 2 5
Republican 39 21 29 6 5
Liberal 56 24 13 5 3
Moderate 51 21 25 1 2
Conservative 33 25 27 8 7
Evolution True 53 26 16 2 4
Evolution False 43 18 28 6 6
Extent of agreement on global warming among environmental scientists
Near complete agreement

No agreement at all
1 2 3 4 5
Democrat 17 36 36 5 6
Independent 19 27 38 8 8
Republican 11 26 41 14 8
Liberal 17 38 31 8 7
Moderate 13 29 44 7 7
Conservative 14 27 39 13 7
Evolution True 16 36 32 9 6
Evolution False 17 29 39 9 7

Now we’ll switch the columns, but again, the rows add up to 100%. So of those who think that environmental scientists understand the cause of global warming “Very well,” 55% accept that humans developed from animals.

Evolution is
Environmental scientists understand cause of global warming
Very well 55 45
2 58 42
3 36 64
4 28 72
Not at all 38 62
Evolution is
Extent of agreement on global warming among environmental scientists
Near complete agreement 50 48
2 56 44
3 46 54
4 52 48
No agreement at all 47 54

Finally, a set of regressions. Since the ones for Global Warming have a 1 to 5 scale I just used a linear regression, while for evolution I used logistic regression (since it’s a dichotomous response).

Beta p
POLVIEWS 0.158 0.01
PARTYID 0.087 0.144
AGE 0.053 0.293
GOD 0.114 0.058
BIBLE -0.028 0.654
WORDSUM -0.082 0.152
DEGREE -0.021 0.748
SEI -0.116 0.069
R-squared = 0.118
Beta p
POLVIEWS 0.085 0.185
PARTYID 0.062 0.325
AGE 0.032 0.557
GOD 0.035 0.558
BIBLE 0.095 0.156
WORDSUM 0.031 0.609
DEGREE -0.103 0.132
SEI -0.138 0.043
R-squared = 0.053
B p
POLVIEWS 0.158 0.003
PARTYID 0.075 0.03
AGE 0.016 0
GOD 0.549 0
BIBLE -1.144 0
WORDSUM -0.03 0.402
DEGREE -0.091 0.174
SEI -0.008 0.04
Pseudo R-squared = 0.255

Weird things happen when I try and relate the Global Warming variables to evolution. Since I gave you the names of the variables I invite you to replicate. I see some relationship in the 2006 GSS, but not a strong one. The dependence of attitudes toward evolution on religious views is pretty direct as expected. Not as clear with the Global Warming issues.

Razib Khan