Nobel-winning brain researcher retracts two papers. Looks like there’s the typical blame-it-on-the-Asian going on here, so perhaps this won’t blow up.
In Our Time is back. This week: Imaginary Numbers.
“200 genes potentially associated with academic performance in schoolchildren”. Most genes of small effect. We’ll see. Don’t get too excited yet, you might be disappointed.
Through the Language Glass (Part 2). Second part of a review of Through the Language Glass: Why the World Looks Different in Other Languages.
Blogging out of Balance. Dave Munger did some serious legwork on analyzing the data sets available. For what it’s worth 75% of the readers of this weblog are male. 75% of at least some European descent. 60% are irreligious. 80% atheists and agnostics. 1/3 have graduate school degrees. 85% have completed calculus. I’ve done surveys regularly of the readership since 2004 or so, and they’re always 75-85% male, with the other figures about the same. The main difference is that the median reader is becoming more politically liberal.