Reader Survey, summer 2010

Reader Survey, summer 2010

So that reader survey that I mentioned last week is done. I’m mostly interested in seeing the changes since I’ve moved to Discover from ScienceBlogs. I assume that the standard 85% male readership has shifted somewhat toward more balance, but I don’t know. Many of the basic demographic questions (sex, race, age, etc.) are the same, but I swapped out ones I usually ask with others. At this point I’m rather sure that a huge proportion of the readers of this weblog are introverted nerds, so I’m not going to ask about personality type and what not. I took some reader suggestions, so there are questions about what you read, as well what your somatotype is. I converted the political question to a 0 to 10 scale that I wouldn’t have to recode if I did a scatter plot, and also so that it’s a little more fine-grained.

As usual all questions are optional. I timed it and should take you 5 minutes max, though I guess I can’t account for lack of clarity in prose. If you don’t see your exact response, but want to respond, I think it is totally fine to give the closest equivalent.

To take the survey, click here. After you’re done it’ll bring you back to this website. You can review results here.

Below are percentage breakdowns of last winter’s survey by sex.

Female Male
How long have been reading Gene Expression(s) regularly?
No more than 4 weeks 9 3
1 to 6 months 19 12
6 months to 12 months 14 12
1 to 2 years 16 26
2 to 4 years 29 27
More than 4 years 13 21
What is your highest educational level attained?
Did not complete secondary school 1 1
Secondary school 0 1
Some post-secondary education, incomplete 6 8
Post secondary education, but not a university degree holder 9 8
University degree holder 32 31
Masters degree 18 18
Professional graduate degree (law, medicine, etc.) 6 12
Graduate degree (science, humanities, etc.) 28 21
What is your subjective socioeconomic status?
Lower class 1 5
Lower middle class 15 14
Middle class 54 43
Upper middle class 28 33
Upper class 1 5
What is your belief about the nature of God?
I believe in theistic God(s) 14 10
I believe in deistic God(s) 6 5
I believe in a Higher Power 8 6
I am skeptical of the existence of God(s) 14 24
I do not believe in the existence of God(s) 58 55
What is your racial identity?
European ancestry (white) 70 85
East Asian 2 2
South Asian 4 4
Southeast Asian 3 1
African ancestry (black) 1 1
Middle Eastern 4 2
Mixed 8 4
Other 8 2
Which of the following characterizes your general politics:
Far Left 4 3
Left 30 12
Center Left 19 18
Center 10 5
Center Right 11 11
Right 6 16
Far Right 1 4
Libertarian 16 25
Other 1 5
Do you consider yourself sympathetic to transhumanism?
No 28 38
Yes 19 16
No idea 18 19
Don’t care 35 27
Have you ever had sexual intercourse?
Yes 91 85
No 6 13
? 3 1
Personality type in terms of shyness you are:
Very extroverted 0 1
Extroverted 6 7
Somewhat extroverted 15 18
Somewhat introverted 48 39
Introverted 28 27
Very Introverted 3 8
Attitudes toward abortion:
Support abortion rights on demand 49 40
Support abortion rights, but with some constraints 37 43
Support ban on abortion, but with some exceptions 6 13
Support ban on abortion 8 4
Have you taken calculus?
Yes 82 82
No 18 18
Race is:
A social construct, not a biological reality 18 9
A biological reality, not a social construct 9 20
Both a social construct and a biological reality 73 72
IQ measures:
Something real which we refer to as intelligence 32 67
Ability to take a particular type of test 44 19
Who knows? 24 14
What is the heritability of IQ among groups in the West which are middle class and above?
Less than 0.3 6 4
0.3 to 0.5 23 19
0.5 to 0.7 43 47
More than 0.7 29 30
Razib Khan